dvzllek a honlapomon! Ksznm hogy elltogattl ide! Szrakozz jl s nzz meg mindent, ha van kedved regisztrlj a frumba.Nzd meg ki vagyok a rlam menpontban.Nzd meg kit ksznthetsz nvnapja alkalmbl, Nzd meg a legkirlyabb klippeket a klippek menpontban,rd a vlemnyed a vendgknyvbe, Chatelj,Nzz hreket, s lvezd a Greenday fanclub trsasgt!
Group/Artist: Alvin s a Mkusok
Album: Mi ilyenkor szoktunk srni
Genre: MP3
Year: 2006
1. (00:02:24) Alvin s a Mkusok - Mire vrsz?
2. (00:02:43) Alvin s a Mkusok - Mi ilyenkor szoktunk srni
3. (00:03:35) Alvin s a Mkusok - Addig lj!
4. (00:03:52) Alvin s a Mkusok - Tid az egsz vilg!
5. (00:02:50) Alvin s a Mkusok - Mrtr
6. (00:03:49) Alvin s a Mkusok - Most jn a bukfenc!
7. (00:03:07) Alvin s a Mkusok - Sajnlom
8. (00:02:32) Alvin s a Mkusok - Az let egy csoda
9. (00:02:42) Alvin s a Mkusok - Mossk az agyad
10. (00:03:09) Alvin s a Mkusok - n mg tkrbe tudok nzni
11. (00:03:37) Alvin s a Mkusok - Bejtt az let
12. (00:02:50) Alvin s a Mkusok - Nagymenő
13. (00:02:26) Alvin s a Mkusok - A tolerancia fldje
Quantity of songs: 13
Size: 54MB
Play length: 00:39:37
Audiocodec: MP3
Bitrate: 192
I am A little bit of loneliness A little bit of disregard A handful of complaints But I can't help the fact That everyone can see these scars I am What I want you to want What I want you to feel But it's like No matter what I do I can't convince you To just believe this is real So I let go Watching you Turn your back like you always do Face away and pretend that I'm not But I'll be here 'Cause you're all that I got
I can't feel The way I did before Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored Time won't heal This damage anymore Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored
I am A little bit insecure A little unconfident 'Cause you don't understand I do what I can But sometimes I don't make sense I am What you never want to say But I've never had a doubt It's like no matter what I do I can't convince you For once just to hear me out So I let go Watching you Turn your back like you always do Face away and pretend that I'm not But I'll be here 'Cause you're all that I got
I can't feel The way I did before Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored Time won't heal This damage anymore Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored
No Hear me out now You're gonna listen to me Like it or not Right now Hear me out now You're gonna listen to me Like it or not Right now
I can't feel The way I did before Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored I can't feel The way I did before Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored Time won't heal This damage anymore Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored
I can't feel Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored Time won't heal Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored
Ha valaki gy gondolja hogy is csinl egy portlt, s ide jn megnzni hogy milyet, zenem neki hogy rakjon VENDDKNYVET az oldalra, mert klnben minden ltogatja azt fogja hinni hogy egy GYVA NYUSZIKA!!!!!